La patria es ara y no pedestal
This document is for free distribution.
By Alejandro Cao de Benos
Special Delegate DPRK Government
President of the Korean Friendship Association (KFA)
Delegate Counselor of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK)
When I switch on my computer everyday, I often have to read the same garbage about Korea. The CNN with its inventions from journalists that know nothing or just re-invented a note from the US administration, or the BBC that acting like a copy-cat immediately echo the same story that comes from the mind of a bored Asia-Pacific department that have to increase its sales and please its board of editors.
In some way I'm used to it, and our purpose isn't to waste our time replying to each information sponsored by the US anti-DPRK campaign. But some days ago, one of our KFA members alerted me about a magazine (Asia Times) that I never read before. This magazine had a column from Mr. Aidan Foster-Carter talking about the Official DPRK webpage, the KFA and its activities.
So since once again, Mr. Foster-Carter wrote an article without a proper investigation and research, and because this information was related to our association, I felt with the right and obligation to write this answer.
Background of
I'm a Spanish as well as DPRK citizen and I've spent my last 15 years travelling and living in both countries. I work for the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries located in Pyongyang, which acts as a Ministry in the DPRK Government, and closely working with our DPRK Embassies in Rome and Geneva. I'm empowered by this same Committee to represent the country's culture, economy, tourism, etc. I'm awarded with the Friendship Order as well as DPRK Awards and Diplomas from different organizations like the Central Committee of Radio and Television.
Recently I was also appointed Delegate Counselor of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) that is the organization leading the South Korean movement to end the US colonization and bring the reunification to the peninsula.
The origins of the webpage goes back to 1999 when with my limited web knowledge, I proposed to open the first official DPRK webpage with the purpose of creating a corner of exchange with friends in other countries. This project was approved in Pyongyang and was presented in an International Conference at Yangakdo Hotel, and later in a seminar in Copenhagen.
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Read his inner-apology after he made his own investigations:
Other resources:
Reunification March to the DPRK, July 2004
Personal Webpage of Mr. Aidan Foster-Carter
Another example of "well documented", "fair" and "impartial" article written by him:
By Alejandro Cao de Benos
Special Delegate DPRK Government
President of the Korean Friendship Association (KFA)
Delegate Counselor of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK)
When I switch on my computer everyday, I often have to read the same garbage about Korea. The CNN with its inventions from journalists that know nothing or just re-invented a note from the US administration, or the BBC that acting like a copy-cat immediately echo the same story that comes from the mind of a bored Asia-Pacific department that have to increase its sales and please its board of editors.
In some way I'm used to it, and our purpose isn't to waste our time replying to each information sponsored by the US anti-DPRK campaign. But some days ago, one of our KFA members alerted me about a magazine (Asia Times) that I never read before. This magazine had a column from Mr. Aidan Foster-Carter talking about the Official DPRK webpage, the KFA and its activities.
So since once again, Mr. Foster-Carter wrote an article without a proper investigation and research, and because this information was related to our association, I felt with the right and obligation to write this answer.
Background of
I'm a Spanish as well as DPRK citizen and I've spent my last 15 years travelling and living in both countries. I work for the Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries located in Pyongyang, which acts as a Ministry in the DPRK Government, and closely working with our DPRK Embassies in Rome and Geneva. I'm empowered by this same Committee to represent the country's culture, economy, tourism, etc. I'm awarded with the Friendship Order as well as DPRK Awards and Diplomas from different organizations like the Central Committee of Radio and Television.
Recently I was also appointed Delegate Counselor of the National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK) that is the organization leading the South Korean movement to end the US colonization and bring the reunification to the peninsula.
The origins of the webpage goes back to 1999 when with my limited web knowledge, I proposed to open the first official DPRK webpage with the purpose of creating a corner of exchange with friends in other countries. This project was approved in Pyongyang and was presented in an International Conference at Yangakdo Hotel, and later in a seminar in Copenhagen.
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Read his inner-apology after he made his own investigations:
Other resources:
Reunification March to the DPRK, July 2004
Personal Webpage of Mr. Aidan Foster-Carter
Another example of "well documented", "fair" and "impartial" article written by him:
А то я уть ли не ежедневно перевожу какие-нибудь гадости про КНДР. Не с Би-Би-Си и Си-Эн-Эн, но какая разница...
Приятно знать, что есть и другая точка зрения. И не все так хреново на самом деле. (кодировка КОИ). Там море "другой точки зрения".